Want To Try slimming supplements? Make Sure You Know Whether They Work First:

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Diet pills are a weight loss product that is taken by mouth. They contain medication that will speed up the metabolism as it suppresses the appetite. For those people who are overweight,diet pills can assist them with their weight loss goals.

Over the counter diet pills contain diuretics to assist the body in flushing out excess fluids. A lot if the foods that we eat contain a lot of salt, which retains water naturally. One of these diuretics is caffeine.

Over the counter diet pills are not expensive, and can be bought anywhere. They are available in grocery stores,health food stores,pharmacies, department stores, and small convenience stores.

Over the counter diet pills are one of the few drugs that are not regulated by the food and drug administration. This makes it very difficult to document any side affects or assess any risks associated with taking over the counter diet pills. Only when private companies decide to study the diet pills for side affects will the results be made public. Most over the counter diet pills are never tested.

Prescription diet pills do not contain the same ingredients, as over the counter diet pills. Prescription diet pills contain ingredients that are stronger and work in different ways. Some release a neurotransmitter called serotonin, which is found naturally in the body. Serotonin affects moods, and can help curb the appetite.

Doctors are reluctant to prescribe diet pills, and will only do so for their patients that are obese. Even then, the doctor will closely monitor the patient’s progress by charting their weight and doing blood tests often. Doctors will recommend a strict diet and exercise for their overwait patients. Sometimes, the patient does not want to wait that long for dieting results and will buy over the counter diet pills.

The advantage of prescription diet pills is that the food and drug administration has the power to test any prescription diet pill that is developed. It can take up to ten years of study to approve one diet pill. This is done for the safety of the public.

In past decades, there have been great and heated debate regarding diet pills. Some feel that the food and drug administration should be able to test over the counter diet pills just as it does prescription diet pills. They both do the same thing.

Manufacturers of over the counter diet pills do not want to have the restrictions the food and drug administration would impose if they were to take over testing their products.

The two sides have been battling for years over this subject. The battle will continue as both sides feel that they are right. The manufacturers of over the counter diet pills stand to loose a lot if the food and drug administration were to win.

In past decades, millions of people have benefited from taking diet pills. When they are taken in the correct dosage, diet pills can assist the overweight in achieving their weight loss goals. Always consult a physician before starting any weight loss program.
Have a look at the following articles if you are interested in learning more about weight loss aids and how to pick out the most effective and safest slimming pills on the market:

Slimming Pills – My Personal Proactol Review

Did You Know This About Slimming Pills?

Warning – Are You Using Safe Slimming Tablets?

Kaiser Permanente Survey Indicates Seniors Using Internet to Manage Health Care

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According to a new study conducted by Kaiser Permanente, growing numbers of seniors have begun using the internet as a means of keeping track of their health care. Officials at the Kaiser Permanente California research facility in Oakland recently published a press release announcing how overwhelmingly satisfied Medicare beneficiaries are with their experience using the Internet to manage their care in many different ways. Kaiser’s personal health record system, My Health Manager, allows patients from Kaiser Permanente Colorado to Kaiser Hawaii to do everything from refilling prescriptions to contacting their physicians to learning more about their conditions.

In an age where youth seems to dominate, it is interesting to see how comfortable this older age group is with the computer technology required to use an online personal health record management system. Kaiser Permanente conducted an email survey to obtain these results, which there were 4,560 responses to. Respondents from Kaiser Permanente California, Kaiser Permanente Colorado and the seven other regions in the Kaiser network responded to questions regarding their comfort in using computers, Internet use habits, and current health status including chronic conditions and prescriptions. You might be astonished by the results; almost 90 percent of respondents identified as “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with Kaiser’s online health record system. All of this suggests that senior citizens are more computer-literate than most people give them credit for.

The biggest contributors to overall satisfaction with My Health Manager, according to the survey results, were the online appointment requests, the ability to email doctors and review test results online, and the prescription refill feature (this last one was a respondent favorite). Most of the people who responded to the survey (70 percent) also reported that they were in good or better health, and those who said they were in excellent health were also those who appeared to be the most actively engaged with managing their health care.

Kaiser Permanente officials have also drawn some conclusions from these survey results. Jan Oldenburg, senior practice leader of the Internet Services Group Health Portfolio for Kaiser Permanente, said the high satisfaction rate shows how a personal health record system that is thoughtfully designed can be convenient and easy for people from every demographic to use and enjoy. So, some might say that if an online health management system is designed intuitively enough, pretty much anyone can use it.

What was possibly the most surprising fact about these survey results, however, was the level of comfort that these Medicare beneficiaries have with computers. Survey respondents from Kaiser Permanente Colorado to Kaiser Permanente California said they were using the Internet every day and reviewing their medical record online a few times each month. This makes sense, though, because people become less mobile as they age. So a personal health record system such as My Health Manager might be the best way for a senior citizen to proactively manage their health care without leaving the house.

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