Dyslexia Screening

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Dyslexia screening can be done in a school setting, a clinical setting or a community setting. Schools are generally hesitant to diagnose individuals with adult learning disabilities because they fear the stigmas associated with disabled adults. After all, they want to appear as though “all the students are achieving.” Most people seek out psychologists or psychologists, as expensive as they may be, since these people greatly understand the plight of the learning disabled. Often one can find a free dyslexia test online, but they are then prompted to pay for the results of that test. Hopefully, in the near future, there will be one standard test for students to take, so a diagnosis can be made and treatment can be pursued.

In “Advances in early years screening for dyslexia in the United Kingdom” (2007), researchers discuss the dyslexia early screening test (DEST) and the cognitive profiling system (CoPS 1), which are both approved for use in the United States as well. By administering these dyslexia screening tests early, it’s believed that at-risk students can be identified before they even fail, thereby decreasing the possibility that these kids will develop emotional, behavioral and motivational issues. A number of educators who teach adults and children with learning disabilities say these two tests are the best options we have today, as long as they’re administered.

In 2009, scientist Jeffrey R. Gruen, M.D. received a $5.2 million grant to further his research on the genetic roots of the dyslexia adult learning disability. In his studies, Gruen is busy comparing the complete genomes of 1,000 fluent readers and 1,000 dyslexic children to see exactly which genes play a hand in reading difficulties. Over the past decade, scientists have found that gene mutations, particularly on the DCDC2 gene, are closely linked with dyslexia. Dr. Gruen adds that the ultimate goal is “the creation of a simple, inexpensive dyslexia screening test that would apply to the general American population.”

Critics argue that dyslexia screening is largely subjective and that it’s futile to distinguish “adults with dyslexia” from “adults who have difficulty reading.” They add that saddling someone with “an adult learning disability” can actually further hinder their development or expose them to discrimination. However, researchers have also found that a number of individuals flourish once they learn about other adult learning styles that they may benefit from. Perhaps some of the biological arguments for dyslexia will settle the score once and for all.

Beth Kaminski is the co-author of Curing Your Anxiety And Panic Attacks which detailed treat anxiety attacks as well as tips on the various anxiety disorder medications available at anxietydisordercure.com.

Cleanse the Colon

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Cleansing your colon is important. Many of the meals which we eat today are laced with harmful toxins that are harmful to the body. As these accumulate, our system becomes slower and we become more prone to weight gain. People also become much weaker. When people think of colon cleansing they are immediately wary of enemas. Not everyone appreciate the process. The good news is that colons can be cleansed in more than one way. One of these involves paying attention to what you eat.

The meals you eat affect the state and condition of your colon. By engaging in a body detox you will be able to rid your body of those harmful chemicals.

Nutritionist offer various form of detox program. For example, people can go on a detox by refraining to take nothing but liquids for a week. Juice and water are commonly used in such diets. These liquid diets are normally found to last for a period of 7 to 14 days. During these periods, people end up losing unwanted weight as well as getting rid of those unwanted toxins.

Not everyone is able to stay without eating solid food. This is why nutritionist also provide an alternate diet. One that involves a bit more substance.

Eating foods that are rich in fiber is one way of cleaning your colon. For examply bran cereal or whole grain meals can be eated for breaskfast. Fiber rich vegetables such as Spinach and broccoli should also be eaten.

Fruits are important for the best cleansing results. Examples of fruits which achieve these are black berries and prunes. By drinking prune juice, you will be able to cleanse your body thoroughly of all the toxic particles.Free radicals, which are harmful to the body are also removed through the oxidation effect of fruits. Cleansing diets typically take a week to be done.But for even more effective results, it is advised that people stay on the diet for at least two weeks.

Colon Cleansing Weight Loss
How to Cleanse the Colon

Self Help For Panic Attacks

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When anxiety Panic Attacks occur it can be pretty frightening. How you might ask, do we stop a severe attack? It’s important not to try and stop a panic attack by fighting it. Although it can seem difficult, you do have control over your emotions when panic symptoms occur.

Although distressing, it’s better to accept the symptoms and sensations and let them dissipate. In many cases people who experience anxiety attacks report that they believed that they were on the brink of death. It’s not uncommon for a sufferer to experience symptoms similar to a cardiac arrest.

Sharp chest pains, palpitations, difficulty breathing, shaking and a surge of adrenaline in their system can create frightening sensations. Keep in mind whatever might happen that you cant die from having panic attacks. During your next episode try and remain calm and breathe deeply and slowly.

Often people hyperventilate when having an anxiety attack which triggers other symptoms. So try and take control of your breathing and inhale slowly. Doing this alone, can help calm you and alleviate some of the symptoms. You might also want to get up and walk around and get yourself a drink.

When attacks happen, sensations can last for hours after, so try and remain relaxed and continue to breathe deeply. Do something mentally or physically engaging to divert your attention away from feelings of anxiety. Watch a comedy, make yourself a herbal drink, do some exercise or whatever you enjoy doing.

If you suffer from an anxiety disorder, it’s important to get help. You can’t disregard your problem and hope it will go away. Anxiety disorders have been effectively treated with behavioral changing therapies. Disorders can deteriorate if a person goes without help. Also other disorders may develop such as depression and insomnia.

Having multiple disorders can be extremely hard to cope with. Depression makes a person feel frequently miserable and sad. Depressed people feel insignificant and feel that they have no life purpose. It’s usual for sufferers to experience a lack of interest in anything.

It is much more difficult to treat Anxiety Depression since they both require individual treatment. Suicide rates and use of drugs and alcohol are higher people with both disorders. In most cases long term use of alcohol or drugs can exacerbate mental disorders. In addition sufferers are at risk of becoming addicted or reliant on drugs or alcohol.

Another problem that arises often is sleep problems. Many anxiety sufferers complain about nights of restlessness and sleeplessness. Often this is due to anxiety symptoms or thoughts of apprehension and dread. When it’s time to sleep they might feel wired and restless and unable to relax enough to sleep.

After a poor night sleep, anxiety symptoms can feel worse combined with fatigue. Nights and even weeks of sleeplessness can occur which can be awfully difficult to deal with. It’s best to get anxiety and depression treated as soon as possible. Ensure that you get help if you suffer from anxiety.

Cosmetic Surgery Associates Houston

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People are becoming more and more conducing to cosmetic surgery nowadays. This technology or concept was first taken on to help injured or badly wounded people who might have got burnt or got a big blow on the face. Nevertheless this technology has now become useful for other medical and non medical uses as well. For numerous people in houston cosmetic surgery has got convention where as some time back people around the country would have loured upon or intended twice about the side effects of using cosmetic surgery.

In houston cosmetic surgery may range from skin drafting to breast implants. There are various procedures that are available with houston cosmetic surgery. When you consider houston cosmetic surgery you will find operations such as liposuctions, breast augmentations, facelifts and several other Houston cosmetic surgery specials that can be reusable for many citizens. There was a time where cosmetic surgery was dangerous and could have given people many side effects and problems afterwards. But now with the betterments in the technology and raised research the houston cosmetic surgery centers are deemed to be safe.

Finding a good houston cosmetic surgery center is not difficult as you may assume. What you have to do is go online or go on the internet and search for houston cosmetic surgery centers. The information that you will receive over the internet can be vital and very important. You may surf through these websites and short list the best houston cosmetic surgery center that suits you.

Cosmetic surgery is a dangerous procedure in the wrong hands. Therefore make sure you choose a certified and trusted houston cosmetic surgery center to deal your process. Since the internet is full of scam artists, you ought to take extra precautions when settling for houston cosmetic surgery centers that you have found online. Follow trusted and certified websites and try to stay off from frauds. Always be safe in this business, especially because of the importance of your own body to you. You could obviously get hold of plenty of qualified surgeons and many reliable houston cosmetic surgery centers.

Cheap things never last so don’t be fooled by an impressive price tag. If you choose the best your returns of gain will be best too. So it’s time to let go of worry and start appreciating your body. Visit a cosmetic surgery in houston center today!

Control Social Anxiety

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Does shyness or Social anxiety make social situations difficult for you? It’s normal to feel a little nervous and shy when giving a presentation or introducing yourself to a group of new people. People who experience extreme anxiety and fear however during these situations are likely to have social phobia disorder.

This is actually quite a common disorder which falls under the umbrella of anxiety disorders. Social anxiety disorder is very treatable and the success rate of therapy is high. Medication can help alleviate symptoms of social phobia but it is not a long term solution.

In addition to treatments, sufferers can apply self help techniques to help them overcome Social Anxiety. Self hypnosis has been used for centuries and is effective at changing behavior and emotions. The subconscious part of the mind can be trained using visualizations and learn new behavior from doing so.

Imagination has more power over your emotions than most of us realize. Hence why we experience anxiety symptoms just thinking about doing something that we fear. But the imagination can be used to produce positive behaviors as well as negative ones. Associations are made stronger when a person practices or experiences something repeatedly.

Most professional sprinters imagine their race before it happens. Some top major league baseball players imagine swinging and making perfect contact repeatedly. Through mental practice they improve their ability just like through normal practice. Your behaviors can be changed using the imagination. The amazing thing is it can be used for practically anything including overcoming social anxiety in specific situations.

Let’s say you have to present a meeting next week. When told this, thoughts of embarrassment spring to mind and you become very nervous. This then triggers anxiety symptoms including nausea, upset stomach, sweating and palpitations. At the meeting you feel totally terrified, embarrassed and a complete wreck.

People with social anxiety self sabotage by thinking negative thoughts and imagine the worse that is going to happen. By using positive visualizations and affirmations it is possible to break from old habits and learn new ones. Routinely practicing these techniques will help conquer fears and anxieties.

Start practicing being confident and in control now. Find somewhere quiet to sit and close your eyes. Start to inhale and exhale slowly and deeply, and relax your muscles on each out breath. In your mind imagine what it would be like to be full of confidence and uninhibited in any social setting. Visualize in detail the way you would speak and walk if you had this confidence. See yourself being respected and talked about in a positive way by other people.

See your life without Anxiety symptoms and the new you brimming with confidence. Use that little voice at the back of the head to give you positive feedback. Give yourself praise and motivating words. Now, visualize the next presentation going beautifully right to the very end. Notice that everyone at the meeting has your complete attention and are intently listening to your exuberant presentation.

Play this visualization over in your head a few times and then finally stir yourself out of deep relaxation. Did you feel good? Giving a presentation now doesn’t seem as daunting as it did before. With regular practice you’ll feel less and less fearful. Think of confidence as a guise that you can slip on until you become that person. Even if you feel anxious and nervous, project confidence, no one has to know. Just remember to stay calm, breathe and remember it will get easier each time.

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