The Radiation Treatment For Prostate cancer

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Most men are developing the enlarged prostate at one point of their lives. Symptoms of prostate enlargement include difficulties at the start of urination, frequent urination, and weaker flow of urine. Men suffering these symptoms must seek medical help to make sure that only the enlargement of prostate may be the problem and not the prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer has been the 2nd largest cause of death in males. The problem with the prostate cancer is the symptoms. They don’t usually show during the early stages, and once it manifest, it is already in the late stages making it hard to treat. The major the signs of the prostate cancer is similar with the the signs of prostate enlargement although the advanced stages include back pains, thigh and hip discomfort, fatigue and unexplained weight loss.

Usually, prostate cancer could be treated by means of radiation therapy and surgery. The most common method of treatment is surgery in the early stages of cancer. However, you have the risk involved with surgery so most men are turning into radiation therapy.

Radiation therapy is working by means of killing cancer cells and not the healthy cells. Two of the most common methods of radiation therapy are the external beam radiation and the seed therapy. Seed treatments are involving the implants of smaller amount of the radioactive materials from the prostate. These radioactive materials is going to be lasting for two years so the cancer cells will totally be eliminated.

The external beam treatments are a painless radiation therapy as well as an out patient process. The beam is going to be focused and aim the areas affected by the cancer. Once the cancer areas have spread, this radiation can still aim the spread of cancer cells too. The treatment will last for 5 days as well as over one week.

Side effects in the prostate radiation therapy include impotence, incontinence and fatigue. However, not all of the patients will likely suffer the side effects. The treatment for early stages of the prostate cancer usually becomes successful. While the prostate cancer that are diagnosed at the later stage, the success of the treatment usually drops to 50%. View more at

Different Stages Of Prostate Cancer

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It is very essential to recognize the development of the disease once a patient has been discovered with prostate cancer so that accurate remedies could be prescribed. Staging is the procedure of the determining the progress of the cancer and the extent of the spread of the cancer.

Prostate cancer has four stages. While prostate cancer develops from Stage 1 to Stage 4, the actual tumor cells will journey from inside the prostate and move outside into the close tissues and also lymph nodes and to some organs during the higher stage of the ailment.

Some doctors use the “Gleason Score” in determining if the prostate cancer cells have the capacity to spread. Several physicians make use of the tumor, nodes metastasis (TNM) system associated with grading the stages associated with prostate cancer. The principal TNM system is the following:

1.T (Tumor) – this describes the mass of the major area of prostate cancer
2.D (Nodes) –it illustrates whether the cancer has scattered to some lymph nodes and how big.
3.M (Metastasis) – this means the far-away spread of the cancer cells of prostate, for instance to the liver or the bone fragments.

The following are the four stages of Prostate Cancer:

•Stage 1 – In this stage, the cancer is fixed inside the prostate and it is only microscopic in size. Generally, the cancer could not be seen with image resolution and its size is not regular, even the Digital Rectal Evaluation (DRE) can not detect it. It is relatively low if Gleason Rating is utilized. It is classified because T1 with the use of TNM system
•Stage 2 – The actual tumor is still found within the actual prostate; however, it has elevated in size. The result is moderately reduced, generally 2 or 3 if Gleason Rating being used. The TNM system grades this particular as T2 cancer that can be discovered by DRE. The elevated PSA can be shown in the blood test.
•Stage Three – Here the growth expands outside the prostate however has not yet scattered to other lymph nodes or organs. The growth cells could have attacked the actual seminal glands that form the semen. It is stage T3 with the use TNM system as well as Gleason score of 4, 5, or even 6.
•Stage 4 – Within this stage, the cancer has metastasized, it’s scattered to other main organs. The cancer cells usually invade the rectum and the bladder. Even the pancreas, lymph nodes, liver, lungs, bones as well as kidney can be affected also. The TNM score could be T4 and the Gleason Score as high as 8, 9, or 10. More information are available when you will visit this website

PSA Test

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PSA Test

Prostate Cancer survivor, Nelson man Lee Nelson a retired doctor, said that Prostate Cancer is an’insidious and sneaky’ disease. in the detection of prostate cancer men must be much more proactive. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer
in 1997 after his first routine prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test. Up until then he had absolutely no symptoms or idea that he had the cancer that was spreading throughout his body as he was very fit and in good shape physically at 55 years old.

After the PSA blood test, Nelson returned to his homeland in the United States and consulted with some of the country’s top prostate cancer experts.

‘I was given seven different medical opinions, all strongly voiced,’ he said.

He decided on a radical treatment regime that was a combination of 3 things – radiation and hormonal therapy and lifestyle changes, after studying thousands of papers on the subject.

It’s important to understand that there are many treatment options and therefore many potential side effects from cancer so we need to understand the disease.

He commented that like him you could have no symptoms and so be in a dangerous position, because prostate cancer is a sneaky and insidious disease so you’ve got to have your blood tested regularly.

‘I wouldn’t be alive today if I’d waited another year without a PSA test’. It’s as simple as that.

Nelson recommends that men start getting the PSA Test at 35 years if they have a family history of prostate cancer; otherwise they should begin testing at 40 years old.

Where breast cancer is the leading killer of women in NZ, prostate cancer is the no 1 cancer killer of men’ he said. Breast cancer however gets far more publicity and promotion.

Diet could help the prevention of the disease, try substituting fish for red meat, take vitamin D, try to reduce your stress levels and increase your exercise. Fruits like pomegranate and berries were beneficial for prostate health, he said.

In addition there are a few really good Prostate Supplements which if taken early enough and regularly could also assist in preventing prostate cancer disease taking hold.

There was a 70 year old man also living in NZ was prompted to visit his GP with urinary symptoms suggesting an enlarged prostate. As is standard procedure the doctor did a PSA blood test. The result of this test was

that the PSA levels were elevated, which raised suspicion of prostate cancer. but decided that another PSA Test should be carried out after 3 months. The clinic did write to the man once to remind him that he needed to have a further PSA test but didn’t followup that initial contact.

After seeing blood in his urine the man visited his doctor again but it was 12 months later. Another PSA test was taken and it showed a higher PSA levels than the previous year. Following prioritisation by a consultant urologist the man was

subsequently diagnosed with prostate cancer which had spread.

So the real message here is as follows;

Start taking Prostate Supplements such as %Maximum Prostate1% maximum prostate from an early age – don’t wait until it’s too late.

Prevention is better than cure.
Start getting PSA tested at around 40 years old and then keep that up every year. Don’t forget to follow up if your doctor recommends it or ask to see a Urologist if PSA levels are too high. Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in NZ men with over 2,900 diagnosed every year . Up to 670 men die in New Zealand of the disease annually, with at least 50% (335) of those deaths believed preventable through early detection. See %PSA Testing2% PSA Testing for more info.

Prostate Cancer Survival Rates

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Survival rates of prostate cancer signify the probabilities the patient has to survive the disease for the specific length of time. The rates are definite signs. An amount happen to the patient? They could predict best the likelihood of patients of what could occur to him, whenever any treatment plan is chosen, basing on what has occurred with a patients in the same situations.

Cancer of the prostate affects generally men aged over sixty. The tissue overgrowth of the prostate organ of several males are affected as they grow older. Most often the overgrown tissue becomes benign, but there are occasions the overgrowth is distinguished by abnormal tumor cells that lead to cancer of the prostate. The ailment could be gift for many years without the knowledge of the individual. The most ordinary symptoms that appear once it’s started to show its presence are difficulty and pain in urinating as well as erectile dysfunction.

The general survival rates of prostate cance are extremely high as compared to the majority of cancer cases. In the usa, only three percent of the patients surrender to the illness. The survival rate of the whole five years for prostate cancer is one hundred percent in the United States, the survival rate inn ten years is the Ninety-two percent and 70 % in fifteen years.

The diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer are located in the grading system, usually the Gleason Score that allots grades ranging from one to ten based on the volume of the cells in the tumor tissue look like the normal tissues of the prostate. The score of 2 to 4 is regarded as low, five to seven as intermediate and 8 to 10 as high grade. If the grade is high, the more rapid is the spread of the cancer.

The survival rates of prostate cancer are among the lowly for men who have cancer that has breached the prostate. About the standard Forty-six percent of patients having metastasis of prostate disease expire within twenty-two months, and barely thirty-two percent can reach the five-year mark of survival.

Generally, cancer of the prostate grows very slowly with an elevated occurrence in developing countries, since most men in these developing countries succumb with a diseases long before cancer of the prostate has the opportunity to develop to the extent wherein it may cause mortality death to the patient. View more at

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