Struggling with a cold sore episode? Want to treat it efficiently and aid your body to wrestle off the virus? The good news is there are lots of reliable natural treatment methods that you can use to combat cold sores with things you can discover around the household.
There are a number of things that you can apply straight to the affected area to help fight the virus, aid in healing, as well as ease the uncomfortable manifestations that accompany the episode.
The herpes simplex 1 virus has been found to be effectually subdued with frequent use of lemon balm thanks to its ingredients. Lemon balm, also known as Melissa, can be found in most health food stores.
Lemon is also known to boost the immune system and assist the body in fighting the virus. By putting a wedge of lemon on a sore that is closed, it can act as a disinfectant and aid in the healing process.
Combatting the virus with the fat monocaprin, whole milk is effective when held on the area of the sore. The proper levels of this fat can only be found in whole milk, therefore 2 % and skim won’t be as effective in fighting the virus.
Apple Cider Vinegar, when applied directly to the closed sore can speed up healing and protect from infections. This versatile remedy can also be mixed with your facial toner to prevent future outbreaks, pimples and blackheads.
Salt can be applied to the closed cold sore as a strong disinfectant but will cause uncomfortable burning sensations if applied to an open sore.
This can be used as a soothing agent to combat uncomfortable stinging or itching that comes along with an outbreak. In addition, it is also an effective disinfectant that will help keep infection at bay.
Tincture of myrrh can be located at health food stores and can be put on your sore up to a daily frequency of 10 times to help fight off the virus. Myrrh works by combating the virus that causes herpes.
50 % tea-tree and 50 % olive oil will be an effective antiseptic when put onto the affected area up to a frequency of 2 or 3 times daily.
This can be applied directly to the area of the outbreak as a natural painkiller and can be found in health-stores.
Once a sore has crusted over, put petroleum jelly onto it in order to prevent it from re-opening and increasing the risk of infection.
During an outbreak, it is important to ensure that you are doing everything possible to strengthen your immune system in order to help your body fend off the virus. Here are some ways you can do that.
Raw garlic with help to speed up the healing process when it is put straight onto the sore. Garlic can also be consumed in pill form, which is an effective way to improve the body’s immune system.
Taking Echinacea while you are experiencing an outbreak can work to help you fight off the virus by improving the body’s immune system.
Combating the virus can also be aided with the use of zinc, an effective immune-bolstering tool. Zinc can be taken in lozenge form.
When used together, the herb Astralagus and the Reishi Mushroom are very effective methods of boosting your immune system in addition to stopping further spreading of the cold sores.
Cold sores are really a pain and that is why you should learn about all the most useful methods how to get rid of fever blisters.