Understanding The Athetoid Type of Cerebral Palsy

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What is cerebral palsy, or more specifically, what is athetoid cerebral palsy? If you do not know what it is, then you should definitely continue reading further to become informed. It is very important that you are fully aware of what it is and what the symptoms are so that you will know if your child has it at an early age. The earlier the treatment begins; the better the prognosis. Read on to learn more facts and information about this type of cerebral palsy.

This disorder originates from damage to the basal ganglia in the midbrain region, where specialized structures maintain movements and posture. With athetoid CP, the basal ganglia are damaged and this causes fluctuations in the muscles throughout the entire body. Some researchers attribute this type of damage to increased levels of bilirubin inside the afflicted person, either from infections or blood incompatibility between the mother and her child (called the Rh factor). During times of high stress levels, this type of cerebral palsy can become aggravated, yet will almost completely disappear during sleep.

An athetoid cerebral palsy child demonstrates serious symptoms. They include unmanageable and involuntary slow writhing movements of the limbs, involuntary movements of the face or tongue, the inability to walk or stand without help because of poor muscle tone, difficulty in grasping or holding objects, the inability to feed themselves and perform activities of daily living due to uncoordinated movements, drooling and tongue thrusting, and the inability to speak or swallow food normally.

Treatment for athetoid CP includes prescribing a group of drugs known as anti-cholinergics, which are used to decrease abnormal and unwanted movements. It blocks the effects of acetylcholin, which is what triggers muscle contraction when acting on nerve cells. The other drugs prescribed for use are trihexyphenidyl, benztropine and procyclidine. There are also physical therapies that can be used to help restore certain movements, like swallowing, as well as decrease slurred speech. Advancements in technology enable patients to use athetoid cerebral palsy therapy devices, such as voice synthesizers, to make speech clearer.

Although athetoid CP is a type of cerebral palsy that does not get worse as the person ages, it can be extremely distressing for an individual with normal to high intelligence to live with this condition. Proper treatment addressing both physical and psychological symptoms is crucial. Good quality care and cerebral palsy support is essential in helping the patient deal with their disorder.

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Ways To Stop Anxiety Attacks

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Medication cannot cure anxiety, and the only way to lead an almost normal life is by putting up with the condition or controlling it. Resisting is not the same thing with overcoming anxiety. A person who tries to bear with anxiety will normally feel very unhappy and depressed all the time because of the burdening worries. Fortunately, one can recover from this miserable condition at least partly, which could often represent a significant improvement of the entire life and health. Here are a few things you can use in the your fight to stop anxiety attacks .

Without control over the thoughts, anxiety becomes more intense, and the stronger the negative thoughts, the higher the anxiety. Learning how to control your thoughts is the first way of overcoming anxiety. Sometimes, complementary therapies that teach relaxation and meditation will also teach you how to manage emotions and feelings with a certain detachment. A simple exercise would require that every morning and every evening you should count the beautiful good things in your life. Positive affirmations could be very cheering and motivating: use them extensively for a few minutes before you start your day.

People who set small goals to achieve are more successful in overcoming anxiety because they divert their thoughts and feelings in a much more positive direction. Then, discussing your problems and worries with a trustworthy person or with the therapist will bring relief and the chance to judge things at the right proportions without exaggerating. This is doable if you are honest and do not exaggerate the issues when telling them. Therapy will encourage you to open up more, regardless if you choose individual or group sessions as a form of treatment.

Visualizing the right solutions to your problems and positive situations, trying to be cheerful and laugh as much as you can, reading quality stuff and spending time with funny friends increase the optimism level thus reducing worries. Plus, sports activities and physical training in general will bring enormous benefits. Training lowers the stress level in the muscles and relaxation is much easier to achieve. Therefore, if you fight with anxiety try to bring balance to your life. The amount of worries will decrease if you strive to do the right things.

A couple of good resources for overcoming anxiety are The Linden Method and Joe Barry’s panic away guide. Both offer great methods to help you deal with and overcome your anxiety problems.

Dealing With Cerebral Palsy

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Cerebral palsy is one of the most common disabilities affecting motor functioning in children. It occurs when one or more parts of the developing brain are damaged in some way. While many researchers do not know the exact cause, there are many theories. They include issues with the mother’s health, premature birth and low birth weight, multiple births and oxygen starvation at the time of delivery. Many times, however, children born with cerebral palsy may have been injured by a health care provider.

It really depends on which areas of the brain have been damaged, but generally, one or more of the following symptoms is present; muscle spasticity or tightness, involuntary movements, disturbance in mobility or walking, difficulty in swallowing and speech problems. Additionally, there are other symptoms that are sometimes associated with cerebral palsy, such as abnormal perception and sensation, impairment of hearing, sight or speech, seizures and mental retardation. Problems that may arise due to the condition are difficulties in bladder and bowel control, eating, breathing problems because of posture difficulties, pressure sores and learning disabilities.

There are preventative programs, as well as facts about how to deal with cerebral palsy that are directed towards preventing premature birth, such as reducing a pregnant woman’s exposure to viruses and other infections, recognizing and treating bacterial infections of the maternal reproductive and urinary tract, avoiding exposure to X-rays, harmful drugs and medications and controlling diabetes, and nutritional deficiencies and anemia. Other important factors in preventing cerebral palsy are for the mother to be in optimal condition before conceiving, getting adequate prenatal care and protecting the fetus from accidents or injury during birth.

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The United Cerebral Palsy Association

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The United Cerebral Palsy Association was started to help parents of children with cerebral palsy deal with the illness financially, as well as emotionally. Almost every part of the United States has a (UCP) organization. They offer support and informational resources for parents and many times, they can help you with cerebral palsy treatment costs as well. They are able to do this through financial support by donations and charitable fundraising.

United Cerebral Palsy organization was founded in 1949 to help advance the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with disabilities with the help of a strong network of businesses and everyday people. In the nineteen forties, there were very few available resources to help cerebral palsy children. The UCP’s Washington D.C. headquarters concentrates on marketing, fundraising, policy recommendations and family support.

Scooters, wheelchairs and hand controls can increase the mobility and improve the quality of activities of daily living for the child with cerebral palsy. Exercise machines and easels can also improve the quality of life for these children; allowing them to explore their interests in a more meaningful way. There are products and services available to assist caregivers as well. Whether it’s grab bars near the toilet, an automatic lift for the bathtub or computer software that aids in communication, technology is changing the way parents and their afflicted children interact in wonderful ways.

UCP also has a research foundation that seeks new treatment options and preventative methods. For more than fifty years, the foundation has looked at how German measles and maternal-child blood type incompatibility (Rh factor) have contributed to the cause of this disability. Currently, there is research going on regarding the role that low birth weight, premature birth and maternal infections affect the brain of a fetus. Through scientific research, they hope to discover ways to replace brain cells that have been lost in fetuses and allow for a more normal development through early treatment.

Whether you have a child with cerebral palsy or not, you can still join the United Cerebral Palsy Association. Being part of an organization that helps those in need can be a rewarding and fulfilling way to use your time and energy. Giving back to your community by volunteering is what helps allow the UCP Association and others like it to target those who are truly in need.

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Adult Dyslexia

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Adult dyslexia can be difficult to diagnose because there are varying degrees of severity. Some people are exceedingly intelligent and possess perfectly fine vision and speech, but they have trouble reading or writing at times. Others may have a more serious adult learning disability, which prevents them from being able to function in every day life without substantial help. Many people are diagnosed as children, but often the dyslexia signs are so subtle that people make it to adulthood without ever fully understanding the problem. It seems that treatment is just as obscure, with adult learning centers and different teaching methods being the best tactics.

Symptoms of dyslexia in adults include the inability to recognize written words and letters, a low reading ability, problems understanding auditory words, difficulty understanding rapid commands and difficulty remembering a sequence. Often times, adults will encounter reversals of letters (like seeing a “b” as a “d”) or reversals of words (“saw” instead of “was”). Sometimes adults with dyslexia have a hard time recognizing the spaces between words and they have a hard time sounding out unfamiliar words. Rhyming words, syllable counting, remembering words, recalling places, distinguishing different sounds, associating words with the wrong meanings, keeping time and organizing are some of the problems that dyslexic male and female adults may encounter on a regular basis.

To determine if a person has adult dyslexia, doctors usually evaluate family medical history and perform a series of different tests. They may perform vision, hearing and neurological tests to rule out some other possible disorders. Psychological assessments are done to see if depression, ADHD anxiety or other obstacles are inhibiting one’s ability to process information. Educational evaluations can determine the level of reading difficulties. Most recently, doctors use neuroimaging techniques in dyslexia research — notably, the functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET).

Roughly 40 million Americans suffer from adult dyslexia, which is about 15% of the population. Many people are surprised to learn that some of the most brilliant, creative and successful people were diagnosed with dyslexia. Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Tom Cruise, Cher, Orlando Bloom, Anderson Cooper, Jay Leno, Whoopie Goldberg, Anthony Hopkins, Kiera Knightley, Ozzy Osborne, Guy Ritchie and Suzanne Somers all have some form of diagnosed dyslexia. Yet, they have all managed to overcome their struggles to live successful, productive and rich lives.

As a leading expert in the field of panic attacks help, Beth Kaminski is always on the lookout for ways to treat panic attacks. Visit her site for more information on how to deal with panic attacks and much more.

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